Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Week one of Connie's fabulous retirement

Lots of fabulous activities:
* My going-away luncheon with my former colleagues at HP, it was very nice and a lot of fun, thanks to everyone but especially Eileen Hickey, the RC team, and everyone else that came.
* Signing Katherine and Nick up for classes/camp (Kat SAT prep, Nick web design/flash and 3-D Game Design)
* Started looking into conference attendance, CTEK, or volunteering to help with some of the conferences, no concrete action yet. Next likely conference is ICCAD'07, not sure if will attend or not.
* Father's day festivities
* Planning for summer visitors. Also feel like planning a party but nothing concrete so far
* Lots of night driving with Kat so she can get her license...
* Attended one Java class hosted by Nick, and in the process determined I'd be better off having a dual-boot Ubuntu installation (Feisty Fawn) on my laptop for this (want to try Ubuntu anyway since it seems slicker/friendlierer than Debian, which is what we used on many machines at my former workplace). Kevin got the dual-boot Ubuntu going for me, thanks Kevin!
* Kat made cheesecake, looks good...
* Some very nice short morning hikes, very pleasant
* Lots of time to play games in the back yard in the evening: Catch, Badminton, Archery (!), &c